The Infinite

Lo scorso anno Patti Smith, nel suo concerto a Roma, ha declamato L’Infinito di Leopardi, a significare il rapporto stretto e profondo con la regione Marche.

Ci sono tantissime traduzioni in inglese di questa meravigliosa poesia. Patti Smith ha usato quela di Roland Rogers. Eccola:

This hermit hill was always dear to me,
with its hedgerow hiding
the last horizon in so many places.
But as I sit and gaze and conjure
unending spaces,
unearthly silences,
and utter sillness,
my heart almost stops in fear.
When… storming through the leaves
the wind brings me a voice to set against
the infinite silence; and eternity
and seasons past, are summoned
to breathe in this moment and sound.
And my thoughts drown in this vastness,
where to founder is sweet and gentle in this sea.

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